Butterflies are Disappearing at a ‘Catastrophic’ Rate

Butterflies are rapidly fluttering out of existence from coast to coast, according to a new assessment published Thursday, at a rate that scientists worry could upend ecosystems and undercut pollination that sustains America’s crops. The total number of butterflies in the contiguous United States has declined 22 percent over a 20-year period, according to a […]

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Halloween Dog Parade

Thousands of people packed onto the East Village’s main drag on Saturday to ogle, ooh, and aah at a bevvy of costumed pets at the annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. Dogs and their humans spilled onto Manhattan’s Avenue A as attendees soaked up the city’s eclectic dog culture and laughed at hilarious costumes that […]

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Goose The Golden Retriever

America’s front line against fentanyl is a Golden Retriever named Goose. One of America’s most valuable defenders against fentanyl trafficking at the Mexico border uses his nose to root out illicit drugs, an old-school technique that authorities say is a key to reducing the flow of deadly synthetic opioids. Goose, an enthusiastic Golden Retriever, weaves […]

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Zombie Deer Disease is Spreading

Zombie deer disease is spreading and scientists are concerned that it could jump to humans In the tranquil expanses of North America’s woodlands and grasslands, a silent but concerning phenomenon is unfolding: chronic wasting disease (CWD). The condition, often dubbed “zombie deer disease”, is stealthily spreading among deer populations, sparking concerns among scientists, conservationists and […]

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‘Puppy Bowl’ 2024

‘Puppy Bowl’ celebrates a big anniversary this year, one that shelter and rescue pups will cheer The annual “Puppy Bowl” turns 20 this year, well over middle age in dog years. But does the sheer cuteness of it really ever get old? “Who doesn’t want to watch dogs play all day long?” asks Laurie Johnson, […]

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Cat Video Sent 19M Miles

NASA beamed ultra-high definition video of a cat named Taters back to Earth from nearly 19 million miles away, the space agency said Monday. The 15-second cat video was sent to Earth as an experiment for NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications. The space agency hopes to one day stream very high-bandwidth video and other data […]

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Illegal Sale of Dinosaur Bones That Were Shipped to China

A federal grand jury in Salt Lake City returned a 13-count indictment charging four people with allegedly buying and selling more than $1 million in “paleontological resources,” which includes dinosaur bones that were exported to China, authorities announced Thursday. Vint Wade, 65, and Donna Wade, 67, of Moab, Utah; Steven Willing, 67, of Los Angeles, […]

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It Took Two Months To Free Juggles

A curious bear cub got his head stuck in a plastic jug. It took two months to free Juggles. Abear cub got a little too interested in a pet food feeder and got its head stuck inside the plastic container – where it stayed for nearly two months – until Tennessee wildlife workers freed it. […]

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PFAS Have Been Found In Animals

As research on toxic “forever chemicals” continues, more is being learned about not only the impacts on humans, but on animals as well. Here’s what you should know about the research in Wisconsin on that topic. Have PFAS been found in animals in Wisconsin? Yes. Sean Strom, a wildlife toxicologist for the Department of Natural […]

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Mysterious Blue Dogs

Something very strange was recently discovered near an old, abandoned chemical plant in Russia: a pack of stray dogs covered in blue fur. The Dzerzhinskoye Orgsteklo plant, which once made hydrocyanic acid and plexiglass, closed down about six years ago — but the building still stands. People who live near the plant began spotting the […]

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