Archaeologists Find Ancient Sheep Heads Mummified

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Egyptian Mummies: Archaeologists find over 2,000 ancient sheep heads mummified during religious sacrifice at temple

Egypt and its mummification culture seem to stun the world. One such is the case of archaeologists finding more than two thousand sheep heads turned into mummies centuries and centuries ago.

At least 2,000 mummified ram (sheep) heads dating from the Ptolemaic period and a palatial Old Kingdom structure have been uncovered at the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt, antiquities officials said on Saturday, news agency Reuters reported.


The ram (sheep) heads were uncovered at the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt and they dated from the Ptolemaic period and a palatial Old Kingdom structure, news agency Reuters reported quoting officials from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. To the unversed, the Ptolemaic period spanned about three centuries until the Roman conquest in 30 BCE.

Not just rams, mummified ewes, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses were also found. Furthermore, the experts also discovered the bones of mummified animals and a palace with five-meter-thick (16-foot) walls that purportedly came into existence nearly 4,000 years ago. That’s not all, reportedly, a number of statues, papyri, the remains of old trees, leather clothing, and shoes were also discovered.


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Posted in Animals, Blog, Events, History, Nature, News.

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